It was, as they say in high-school dress codes, inappropriate. Pressed for comment, the First Lady’s office declared, “There was no hidden message”—quite sensibly so, for, as the world immediately observed, its message was readily legible. But the statement stretched too far in expressing a hope that “the media isn’t going to choose to focus on her wardrobe.” The former Melania Knauss began a career in commercial modeling at the age of sixteen. Wearing clothes is her foremost métier, and the clothes she was wearing, in the context of her husband’s inhumane treatment of immigrants, and everyone else, constituted the most significant conjunction of clothing and incipient fascism since Hugo Boss débuted his collection for fall/winter 1938, unless you count the snapback MAGA cap.
Ich mag ja den Sprachstil, den sie beim New Yorker selbst bei Modethemen pflegen. Und ich muß wohl “Metropolitan Life” von Fran Lebowitz lesen.
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