Notes KW 25/17

I’d noticed that my clients weren’t asking product questions anymore. Everyone seemed a little afraid to even say what they wanted to design. Clients who in 2003 or 2004 were saying “We need a strategy and information on user behavior to inform the design of a TV with a remote control,” were now asking me “What’s the future of entertainment?” Or my clients in the cosmetics industry would ask “What’s the future of beauty?” Obviously they’re doing the right thing by future proofing, but it seems like a big shift from knowing what you want to not being able to imagine everyday interactions with things.

Die Dinge, die uns definieren | Pro2koll. Tillmann zitiert Paula Zuccotti.

In America, a woman’s body seemed to belong to everybody but herself. Her sexuality belonged to her husband, her opinion of herself belonged to her social circles, and her uterus belonged to the government. She was supposed to be a mother and a lover and a career woman (at a fraction of the pay) while remaining perpetually youthful and slim.

America Made Me a Feminist – The New York Times

Ein großes Missverständnis der BGE-Bewegung: Sie verwechselt Geld mit Wohlstand.

Missverständnisse zum Bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen — ein Rant | Notizblog mit einer lesenswerten Einordnung zum Thema.

Die Zeit, in der die subjektive Sicherheit als kriminalpolitische Größe ins Spiel kommt, ist die Zeit, in der man beginnt, den Wohlfahrtsstaat zurück- und umzubauen.

“Soziale Probleme werden in Sicherheitsprobleme umkodiert” | Die Zeit

Neither Spicer nor deputy press secretary Sarah Sanders responded to queries about the changes to the briefings. Asked why the briefings are now routinely held off-camera, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon said in a text message “Sean got fatter,” and did not respond to a follow-up.

The White House Press Briefing Is Slowly Dying – The Atlantic


Von oben nach unten bauen – 100 Jahre Gegenwart Journal

One response to “Notes KW 25/17


  • 💬 Hektor Chantal

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